Saturday, 27 August 2011

New Costume Idea

I am putting one queen away in exchange for another.... my queen of hearts will retire to a bin for a few months, probably February, when all the heart shaped stuff comes out again. I am having a heck of a time finding what I want for the details, and I really want to have a full picture when I start back up again.

So, my new project is another queen, of the alien variety. I love Stargate, and have been watching Atlantis, which I didn't have time to watch when I was given the dvd set for a wedding gift from my hubby.
For anyone who doesn't know what a wraith queen is, here is one of several from the show:

They all have different outfits, mostly kinda gothic looking. Some wear black, others white. Some have bright red hair, white hair, and one even had just plain brown. I think I want to go dramatic. I collected all the white fabric I have, and put it in a pile, along with all the zippers, fasteners, hooks, and whatever else I had that wasn't lacy and girly. They may be queens, but they are nasty. I am going to start looking for a red wig. (Another reason I want to start working on this one now, the halloween stores are starting to open, so I have a nice choice of props!) They don't wear jewelry, so that will be easy. I found a couple of patterns to use as a base, but I think this is one project where I have to wing it most of the time. That should be interesting!

My hope is to have the costume done in time for Pure Speculation, which is usually held in October-ish. Late fall, anyway, so I had better get started! Concept sketches in next post!

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