Saturday, 21 January 2012

Pleated ribbon Watchband

I am very close to finishing the Watchband. The beading is almost done, and I have attached what I have to the ribbon.

Starting with the clasp end, I tied my clear line tightly to the loop on the clasp, with about an inch extra line on the short end. With the long end, I began threading the beads in the pattern I wanted, going up toward the watch end. I used 3 spacer bars, threading through the first hole in the bar. One of these spacers was the last "bead" in the line. I then looped back down into the second hole of the spacer and repeated my pattern (in reverse) going back toward the clasp. When I reached the clasp, I looped through it, and followed the same as the first back up to the watch end. In the end, I had three strings of beads, connected periodically with the spacer. After tightly tying knots in each end of my line, I took each one and carefully threaded it through the beads until it was completely hidden. This gives a secure knot with the loose ends neatly hidden inside the beads.

Repeated for the other side of the band.

Once both beaded sections were finished I used black thread to carefully stitch the beaded bands to the ribbon.

More next time on how I attached the face to the ribbon!

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