Saturday 17 December 2011

Pleated ribbon watch band

My next project is a watch band. I have my sketch and all my pieces, and I am ready to start! Slowly over the spam of the week I purchased my items one by one (coupons are a great thing!) so this watch is going to cost 40% less! I'm not one of these crazy coupon people from that show on tv! I have an app on my phone for the craft store near my work and would drop in at lunch and scan my phone! So it was worth while!!

Back to the matter... Ahem.. For this project I have two widths of black ribbon, the watch face, a clasp, some black and white pearls, and silver spacers. The wider black ribbon will be the pleated ruffle under the thinner ribbon, and I will stitch the beads on top of that to give it some sparkle and interest. The watch itself is plain silver with a black face and silver numbers. This is going to he something I might wear more on weekends.

So, I haven't figured out yet how to format my posts yet on my phone, so my pics get dumped at the end, so here are my supplies and the sketch!

Sunday 4 December 2011

Night time photo

I decided to try my hand at night time photography. After picking up a tripod earlier this week, I have been super excited to try it! I managed to find out what the most used view point is for taking pictures of downtown. At this point, I am not trying to re-invent the wheel! When I get better with other aspects, I will start scouting new locations!

So, Rotary Park, just off Memorial Drive is one of several highly used sites for taking pictures of downtown Calgary from across the river. The parking lot was much further from the treeline than I thought, and I was glad that I wore my ugly winter boots that I usually keep in the trunk of my car for emergency! I had to trudge through the snow to get past the trees, and there I could set up my camera with a clear view across the river. This was the result!

I had the shutter open for 4 seconds, at 5.6f, iso500. It was cold and I forgot my flashlight, so I was having trouble seeing and pressing buttons, or I might have spent more time adjusting things and experimenting to see what would happen. I am not sure at this point if my settings were even close to ideal, but I think the end product turned out pretty nice. I plan to go out again to another location just down the street where I don't have to hike through snow! Hopefully, I can get there a little earlier and get some wonderful sunset colours. That might have to wait until the new year!

Now, I think I would like to curl up in a blanket with a hot cup of tea!